Interns should be able to:
Understand the UX design process end to end
Know the basics of the design thinking
Empathize with users
Figure out user pain points
Understand and build personas
What Is Design Thinking? An Overview (2020) - YouTube
What is Design Thinking? | Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF) (interaction-design.org)
[What Are User Personas and Why Are They Important? | Adobe XD Ideas](
https://xd.adobe.com/ideas/process/user-research/putting-personas-to-work-in-ux-design/#:~:text=User personas are a commonly used tool in,used, this tool can supercharge a designer’s work.)
How to Define a User Persona 🤷[2021 Guide] (careerfoundry.com)
The design thinking process for better UX - Justinmind
Read one case study to see how designers use the design thinking process:
Redesigning the New York Times app — a UX case study | by Johny Vino | UX Collective (uxdesign.cc)
Draw out two fictional personas. Use this video as a guide
How to Create User Persona (Video Guide)
UI Coach